Privacy Notice – MAWDY México

MÉXICO ASISTENCIA S.A. DE C.V., with address Avenida Revolución número 507, Colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, C.P. 03800, in Mexico City, informs you that your personal information collected, which are gathered or generated as to the legal relationship held, or that in the event, is entered into, shall be subject to treatment under the following categories:

– Property and Finance Data.
– Identification Data.
– Physical image, dactyloscopic, calligraphic, ocular and biometric data.
– Labor data, occupation and hobbies.
– Academic Data.

– Health data, data from an guidance and/or medical consultation by telephone or through electronic means, nutritional or psychological orientation such as policy number, assistance number, medical history, medical history, possible diagnoses and/or prescribed medications.
– Physical Features.
– Personal Habits.

The Data indicated according to the Categories and sub categories mentioned above, which are obtained:

1) Directly, through any of our offices through authorized representatives and employees, through remote means, whether electronic or physical, through our website, email address or our telephone contact center.

2) Indirectly through transfers that are made through authorized natural or legal persons, through a source of public access, and in general, that have been obtained by virtue of having been generated by reason of the legal relationship.

In the same way, the aforementioned Personal Data will be processed for all purposes related to the aforementioned legal relationship and the obligations derived from it. Additionally and specifically, depending on the type of owner, the purposes will also be:

General Visitors: When necessary for the protection of movable and immovable property where the address and offices of the responsible reside, as well as to also protect people and their belongings.

Customers: Individuals or legal entities with whom a contractual relationship is about to be held or has been entered into to:

1.- Provide services of assistance under agreement.
2.- Assess services, wording and held agreements.
3.- Arrange applications of payment to suppliers, administration, maintenance and renewals of the assistance services.
4.- Carry out the purposes related to the corporate purpose of México Asistencia, such as recruitment of personnel, hiring of suppliers, among others.
Human Resources (Eligible personnel, employees and former employees) They will be used for all purposes related to the employment relationship, especially for selection, to verify references from previous jobs, recruitment, job placement, training, evaluation and measurement of skills and competencies, as well as definition of development actions, and the payment of employment benefits.

The data collected will be used for all purposes related to the fulfillment of our obligations in accordance with the provisions of the current applicable regulations, from the request for service according to what was contracted in each case, to the attention of your possible complaints, claims , service and quality improvement surveys. Likewise, said data will be used to identify and verify the information of the provider or service provider; prepare internal control administrative file; to bill for the provision of the contracted service; to make payments, either through credit titles or via electronic transfer; to classify your data in the accounting of the company in the accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Likewise, data collected will have purposes that do not give rise to the legal relationship “Secondary Purposes”, which are made up of: offer and promotion of goods, products and services, as well as commercial prospecting and satisfaction surveys of our services, in which event said treatment will be understood to be accepted until you proceed to inform us otherwise through the revocation of consent.

If you do not agree with the processing of your data for secondary purposes, you may express your refusal by following any of the following mechanisms:

– If you provide your data personally; in your own handwriting, indicating in the format that is delivered at that time, that you do not agree to said treatment.

– If you provide your data directly, following the mechanisms indicated in the means of contact.

– If you provide your data indirectly, through the email through which you have five days from the consultation of this notice, so that in your case the owner expresses his refusal to treat the or the aforementioned Secondary Purposes, being safe the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, providing the information requested in section VII of this notice.

Likewise, you acknowledge the transfer of your data that could be made, if applicable: to the entities that are part of the Mapfre Group, its subsidiaries and affiliates; as well as to persons and public or private entities other than the above, of those data that derive from the legal relationship and that are necessary or give rise to it, specifically that they are part of the following sectors:

• Private Entities:

A.1 Financial companies, Insurance companies, health professionals, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, assistance companies, legal advice, home repair companies, electronic device repair companies, product promotion companies, survey companies, companies for the management of IT services of the organization.

• Government Entities:

B.1 Mexican and foreign financial authorities, in order to comply with our obligations derived from international laws or treaties, tax obligations, as well as to comply with official notifications or requirements.

B.2 Judicial authorities, Mexican and foreign, in order to comply with notifications, requirements or judicial orders; IMSS, in order to comply with the obligations contained in the social security legislation; FONACOT for the purpose of granting benefits to employees of México Asistencia, S.A DE C.V.

In the same way, you acknowledge that, under no assumption or circumstance your sensitive, patrimonial or financial data is shared, that do not derive from the legal relationship or that are not necessary or do not give rise to it. In addition to the foregoing, in the event that treatment is required for one or more Secondary Purposes not informed in this Notice, the same or them will be communicated to you by modifying the privacy notice, which will be put to your disposition again in the corresponding time and manner.

The non-public personal information delivered in our capacity as Responsible is treated with due confidentiality and will not be sold or transferred to third parties.

In the event of any transfer that requires your express consent, that consent will be obtained.

México Asistencia has implemented a strong protection system for the personal data managed. This System is made up of technological solutions, processes and internal regulations, based on the highest market standards, which ensures data protection and compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

México Asistencia carries out regular reviews of its data protection system, at least once a year, in order to continuously improve it by adding the necessary tools and controls.

México Asistencia shall, once the purpose or purposes of the treatment has been fulfilled, and when there is no legal or regulatory provision that establishes otherwise, proceed to the cancellation of the data in its possession after blocking them, for their subsequent deletion, as indicates the Art. 37 of the related Regulation.


The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and revocation of consent must be made in writing at the address mentioned in section I of this notice or, where appropriate, through the email address:
You may proceed as indicated in the previous paragraph, through the following procedure:

1) Requirements:
– Full name of the Holder.
– Copy of the document that proves his identity (current voter ID, Passport), which must be attached to the application mail.
– Means to provide the answer (address or other means).
– Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise your ARCO rights.
– ARCO right to exercise and detailed description of the request.
– Number of movement generated, assistance policy in case of acquisition (if you have it).

1) Terms:
– You shall be informed within a maximum of 5 days after receiving the acceptance or refusal of your request.
– You shall receive a response to your request within a maximum of 20 days after delivering.
– You shall have a maximum of 5 days after receiving a response to your request to cancel it.

As far as your part, you can exercise the revocation of consent in accordance with the following:

1) Requirements:
– Full name of the Holder.
– Copy of the document that proves his identity (current voter ID, Passport), which must be attached to the application mail.
– Means to provide the answer (address, e-mail, postal mail or other means).
– Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise your revocation.
– Number of movement generated, assistance number and/or identifiable attributes.

2) Terms:
– You shall be informed within a maximum of 5 days after receiving the acceptance or refusal of your request.
– You shall receive a response to your request within a maximum of 20 days after delivering.
– You shall have a maximum of 5 days after receiving a response to your request to cancel it.

3) Means of Response:
a) For rights of Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition
– Via email.
– By mail to an address you provide us.

b) For rights of Access:
– Physical delivery at the main headquarters detailed in the address section after identification of the Holder.

To limit the use and disclosure of your data, we will maintain policies, procedures, security controls and information confidentiality, if you require more information about these options you may email to requesting them.

Likewise, regardless of the procedures for the exercise of the rights for access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, as well as the revocation of consent, you may limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, by registering your information in the Registry Public to Avoid Publicity (REPEP),

This Notice, as well as its modifications, shall be available in the web at, through communications placed at our registered office or inform you through any means of communication that we have with you.